


Pioneering Safe Distribution in the Cannabis Industry

As president of Chakra Cannabis and founder of NAC, Alex is dedicated to putting Canada on the world stage as a pioneer in the responsible dispensing of cannabis. After helping local compassion clubs implement risk reduction and health awareness initiatives into their business models, Alex felt and identified a critical need: Canadians needed a comprehensive distribution model to provide support, resources and education for members of the community who used cannabis to improve their quality of life.

In order to turn his vision into reality, he’s built relationships with experts from medical associations, law enforcement, government, research laboratories, and licensed producers from across the country to develop his interwoven business model. Despite his position as founder, it is his sincere hope that humility and passion remain the driving force behind the entire Cannabis movement today.

“Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s safe.”

-Alex Abellan

  • First to Approach Safe Distribution
    Out of all of the Medical Marijuana stakeholders in the industry, including not for profits, Alex was the first to approach the Justice Minister’s Office and Health Canada regarding safe distribution.
  • First Publicly Traded Dispensary
    Founder of National Access Cannabis, pioneers in safe distribution with retail stores across Canada. Alex founded NAC to educate our society on the benefits of cannabis but also on health awareness, safe distribution and consumption of the plant. He gives insight on how THC affects our bodies and what the next steps are for the Canadian government to ensure safe distribution of cannabis.
  • First to Create a Cannabis Accreditation Course
    Alex was the first to create an 18 credit cannabis accreditation course for pharmacists with the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) and Greg Cook, CEO of MD Briefcase.
  • First Identification Card in Canada
    First in Canada to create an identification card to differentiate between a medical and recreational cannabis user. The card was developed for National Access Cannabis by Obsidian Consulting so that medical cannabis patients could easily demonstrate to law enforcement that they had proper credentials to possess medicinal cannabis
  • First exemption letter from Australia
    Alex was the first person ever to receive an exemption letter from a Health Minister of Australia. This happened for the Fulton girls, two sisters who both suffered from a lung disease so rare it didn’t have a name, and whom had been brought to the attention of national television by Alex. A meeting held by Alex and receipt of the exemption continues to benefit the advocates in Australia today. Two weeks prior to Alex’s meeting with Jack Snelling, the Health Minister of South Australia, the country had made an announcement that Australia would not accept medical marijuana. Within two days of the meeting held between Jack and Alex, Australia changed it’s mind.
  • First Non-Biased Dispensary in Canada
    Co-founder of the first non-biased dispensary in Canada, the Vancouver Island Health Advocacy Centre. This original dispensary was not just medical, as Alex believed at the very least, it could replace an aspirin. Alex’s first dispensary was opened two blocks away from the police station. Although a raid ensued in 2011, Alex convinced local law-enforcement of his purpose and no charges were laid. This fuelled Alex’s passion further to create National Access Cannabis – A leader in distribution in Canada.